Tuesday, July 24, 2012

PC/OpenSuite for Windows 1.0 Released

Today we are pleased to announce the release and general availability of the PC/OpenSuite for Windows 1.0.  This software is designed to be used in a Windows environment and to bring the best and collaborative software from the OS4 operating environment to the Windows platform.

The purpose of this compilation is so users who have Windows deployed can use the same software as they find on OS4.  This will help you if you have OS4 deployed and for training purposes if you decide to deploy OS4.

Each piece of software has its own installer so you can choose which software you want to install and which ones you want to leave out.

List of included software

LibreOffice 3.5
Avidemux 2.5.9
Amarok 2.5
Gimp 2.8
Traverso 0.49
Audacity 2.0.1 and Plugins
VLC 2.03
Blender 2.63
Foxit PDF reader
Scribus 1.4.1
Kompozer 0.83
Utorrent 3.2
Google Chrome 22.0 Full Download
filezilla FTP/SSH client 3.5.3

To get this release you can download it from ibiblio

PC/OpenSuite for Windows  md5sum

To purchase this suite the price is $35.00 and with that you get 30 days of e-mail installation support as well as the QT4 SDK and KDE for Windows on a 4gb USB key.   To purchase click the donate button on this page and write in the notes which release you want, PC/OpenSuite for Windows or PC/OpenSuite for Windows Server.  The PC/OpenSuite for Windows Server 1.0 is $69.00 and is available for purchase only.  For more information on PC/OpenSuite for Windows Server 1.0 follow this link

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PC/OpenSystems LLC. is dedicated to providing top customer service including integration, providing Linux compatible hardware and enterprise desktop software solutions. We provide solutions tailored to your needs whether its building systems to suit your needs. Whether its a custom database solution, providing Linux powered PC and Server Solutions. Whatever you need you can rest assured that PC/OpenSystems LLC. will deliver a high performance and stable product

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About PC/OpenSystems LLC.

PC/OpenSystems LLC. is a small consulting firm and the only Linux retailer in NC for Linux PC's and custom systems located in Franklinton North Carolina. We specialize in hardware repair and we resell custom Linux based computers, software maintenance as well as custom application development.