Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Changes from a point release and what to expect

I have had a lot of inquiries as to why PC/OS 2009v2 was changed from being PC/OS 2009.1.  There are a few reasons why this was done.  First, the point release was just a bug fix, no new functionality just a maintenance release but then we decided since this would be the last 32 bit release for 2009 lets make it a bang.  Tons of new functionality, a rock solid release because on March 1st we start hammering away at PC/OS Open64.  Another question was what about those with little screen real estate.  I have a big monitor but some people dont.  I purposely lower the resolution to 1024x768 on one monitor and 800x600 is achieved on my EeePC this way I can test for congestion.  On 1024x768 everything fits snugly into place, on 800x600 you have to delete a few items from your taskbar.  Overall the system is clean and this is what you can expect your system to look like upon boot.

That is with a 1024x768 resolution.

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