Thursday, September 26, 2013

PC/OS Education Desktop 4.1.5 released

Today we are pleased to announce the new release of PC/OS Education Desktop 4.1.5.  This is the successor to OS/4 Education System and is built specifically for schools and education facilities.  Built using the award winning technologies in PC/OS Enterprise Linux, PC/OS Education enjoys those same benefits of long term support, superior security and bug fixes, long service deployments.  It also enjoys the perfect mix of cloud platform and on-site platform.  Some of the new innovations in PC/OS Education Desktop are as follows.

A new improved Linux kernel, with enhanced driver support and security fixes.
Chromium as the default browser
Skype for Instant Messaging
Tux Type
Support for Moodle
Support for the Alice programming language from Carnegie Mellon University
Calibre for ebook management
LibreOffice 4.11
Evolution mail client
Nitroshare for sharing files in the classroom
Integrated Dropbox
Clementine Music Player
Deja Dup backup service
Wii controller programmer
Small Basic
Gambas 3
Java Support
DVD and Blue-Ray support

Plus many many more fixes and features.

PC/OS Education Desktop 4.1.5 is available today Sept 27, 2013 see below for pricing.  Its available for free on purchased hardware, both our new systems and refurbished systems.  Its also available with support subscriptions.

One more benefit of PC/OS Education Desktop is that if you purchase even just one copy, the ISO file is available to you to redistribute freely among your students and teachers for their own personal use on their own personal computers.

PC/OS Education

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PC/OpenSystems LLC. is a small consulting firm and the only Linux retailer in NC for Linux PC's and custom systems located in Franklinton North Carolina. We specialize in hardware repair and we resell custom Linux based computers, software maintenance as well as custom application development.