Today we are pleased to announce a revamp of our hardware lineup. We have eliminated 80% of the systems we used to sell and have stayed with the most popular systems. As of today our hardware lineup of new systems is comprised of the following.
Consumer Desktops
Black Lab BriQ rev4 is a very powerful "Mac mini" type PC that can be used anywhere. Whether you use it in your office, dorm room, living room or as a gaming PC you have all the power you need for productivity or gaming and the ability to utilize all the great content that the web provided. This is a very affordable system which sells for a base price of $550.00 USD
Professional Desktops
Black Lab BriQ Pro has all the features of the consumer version and adds enough power for the professional. Whether you need a design station or a productivity station the Black Lab BriQ Pro will fit in any office, warehouse floor or lab that you need it to fit in. This system which sells for a base price of $700.00 USD is a very affordable system which will not only make your employees happy, but the company accountants as well. Do you need to set up a Hadoop cluster or does your lab need to do extensive number cruching where you need to do multi-machine simulations? The Black Lab BriQ Pro is also available in an 8 node cluster configuration with a price that beats conventional cluster systems.
Black Lab Powerstation sells for a base price of $1,500.00 USD. This system is just as the name implies. Its a high performance, rack mountable workstation. It is a high performance workstation that can take on and accomplish high density workloads very quickly and efficiently.
With Black Lab Software Inc. and the high performance OS Black Lab Linux, you now have the Power, Affordability and Reliability you and or your company needs and deserves.
Visit our hardware sections for pricing.
Black Lab Professional Hardware
Black Lab Consumer Hardware
Do you want a lower cost entry to the world of Linux? Check out our refurbished hardware section.
Black Lab Refurbished Hardware
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
New Hardware Lineup
linux desktop,
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Welcome to PC/OpenSystems LLC
PC/OpenSystems LLC. is dedicated to providing top customer service including integration, providing Linux compatible hardware and enterprise desktop software solutions. We provide solutions tailored to your needs whether its building systems to suit your needs. Whether its a custom database solution, providing Linux powered PC and Server Solutions. Whatever you need you can rest assured that PC/OpenSystems LLC. will deliver a high performance and stable product
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About PC/OpenSystems LLC.
PC/OpenSystems LLC. is a small consulting firm and the only Linux retailer in NC for Linux PC's and custom systems located in Franklinton North Carolina. We specialize in hardware repair and we resell custom Linux based computers, software maintenance as well as custom application development.