Sunday, May 31, 2015

Black Lab Forensic Desktop 6 SR4 released

Today we are announcing the availability of Black Lab Forensic Desktop.  Black Lab Forensic Desktop is a distribution that is commercially supported and targeted at computer, technology, security and law enforcement forensic specialist.  Black Lab Forensic Desktop 6 is based on LTS technologies so it is supported until 2020.  Black Lab Forensic Desktop 6 utilizes the KDE desktop so users have a modern, full featured desktop at their disposal and Black Lab Forensic Desktop 6 can run all of your existing Linux based and Unix ported applications and can run commercially available applications and development tools from Red Hat, Oracle,, RealVNC, Apple Web Objects among others.  Black Lab Forensic 6 is also certified to run many of your state accredited Linux based apps and includes Virtual Machine technology to help you in your migration from Windows, Solaris and Mac OS X environments.  Black Lab Forensic Desktop is the only commercially supported law enforcement targetted Linux distribution on the market.

Black Lab Forensic Desktop 6 is also built for the cloud and with many law enforcement and security facilities relying on many cloud based applications it can run all of your cloud based applications like Microsoft Office 365, Google Apps, Oracle Web Apps etc.  Black Lab Forensic Desktop 6 can be configured to run OpenStack and can be used with Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services.

With this release Black Lab Forensic Desktop 6 also comes with:

KDE 4.14.2

Mate 1.8.2

GCC 4.9.2

Firefox 38

Thunderbird 31.7

Skype 4.3

ScudCloud - Which is a Slack Client

Citrix Receiver

LibreOffice 4.3

SIFT Workstation - Preinstalled and configured





Timeshift restore facilities

Backup Utility

kernel 3.16.0-38 which has a ton of bug fixes and stabilized device drivers

Ubuntu LTS kernel 3.13.0-53 which is the default kernel included with Ubuntu 14.04

Black Lab Forensic Desktop Also includes all security updates until May 25, 2015.  We have also synchronized all package version to Debian Jessie 8.0.

Using modern technologies such as LDAP, SAMBA 4, Active Directory and NFS.  Black Lab Forensic Desktop 6 can be deployed in ANY environment with ease from Windows, Mac OS X, UNIX and other Linux based environments.

Black Lab Forensic Desktop 6 is backed by 24/7 support and Black Lab Software has shown unprecedented ability in being able to patch, deploy and cure many security risks and deficiencies before they become a problem for our users.

Pricing and Availability

Black Lab Forensic Desktop 6 is available today, June 1, 2015.  While most companies charge per socket, we charge per machine.

Single license  $75.00 USD

2 licenses $136.00

Unlimited District License $480.00 USD

We can also customize your distribution with any desktop environment and targeted towards ANY hardware platform you desire from x86_64, PPC, SPARC.

Custom Configuration License comes with 100 licenses $1,200.00 USD

You can order Black Lab Forensic Desktop 6 below

Black Lab Forensic Desktop Subscriptions
Order Notes:

You can also order Black Lab Forensic Desktop 6 on our variety of computer hardware:

Black Lab Business Desktops

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PC/OpenSystems LLC. is dedicated to providing top customer service including integration, providing Linux compatible hardware and enterprise desktop software solutions. We provide solutions tailored to your needs whether its building systems to suit your needs. Whether its a custom database solution, providing Linux powered PC and Server Solutions. Whatever you need you can rest assured that PC/OpenSystems LLC. will deliver a high performance and stable product

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PC/OpenSystems LLC. is a small consulting firm and the only Linux retailer in NC for Linux PC's and custom systems located in Franklinton North Carolina. We specialize in hardware repair and we resell custom Linux based computers, software maintenance as well as custom application development.